Saturday, October 25, 2014

Weekend Roundup

  • Over at the website of the Library of Law and Liberty, Herman Belz (University of Maryland) has posted an essay "discussing papers presented at a conference on Beard held at the University of Virginia School of Law (published in the Summer 2014 issue of Constitutional Commentary) and a symposium on Beard in the Fall 2013 issue of American Political Thought." (Hat tip: Saul Cornell)
  •  From the New York Times Opinionator section: Timothy S. Huebner (Rhodes College) on "The Death of Taney."
  •  From Inside Higher Ed: a series of posts on a being a parent in graduate school. The first post is here.
  •  Devotees of the Green Bag will know that its annual Almanac and Reader includes “entertaining tidbits relating to some theme” that the editors hope readers will enjoy.  The theme for the next Almanac is the Sherlock Holmes story, The Adventure of the Norwood Builder.  Those interested in joining in the collective annotation of the story should consult the call for “Sherlockians” here.
  • Today's New York Times reports that files recently opened at the United Kingdom's National Archives reveal that for many years MI5 opened the mail, bugged the phones, and monitored the associates of the historians Eric Hobsbawm and Christopher Hill.  The associates included A. J. P. Taylor.
Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.